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In today’s era, every second business is running through technology. Most of you must be using universal analytics for your ease. If you only like universal analytics and don’t want to change your mode, here’s some bad news. Recently, it has been announced that universal analytics will be replaced with Google Analytics 4

No doubt, initially, it was annoying news. Nevertheless, after recognizing the features of GA4, you’ll never regret moving from universal analytics to GA4. Most of you must consider the significant differences between universal analytics and google analytics 4. 

This write-up will show you the important distinction between universal analytics and Google Analytics 4. Moreover, you’ll also get to know the crucial new features of google analytics 4. Here we come. 

ga4 vs ua
Google Analytics 4 Vs Universal Analytics
GA4 Vs. Universal Analytics: The Vital Differences

You must be curious about the difference between universal analytics and Google Analytics 4. So, without squandering a juncture, let’s plunge in and recoup the significant distinction. 

Read also: How to Use Google Analytics for Marketing

1- BigQuery Free Connection 

If you’re familiar with creating complex segments in Google Analytics, you must be aware of how the most rigorous task is. With BigQuery, you can query even large data sets without any conflict. 

The most fantastic news that makes google analytics four different from universal analytics is the free access of GA4 to BigQuery. Undoubtedly, you’ll fall in love with this free feature of Google Analytics. 

If you don’t know how to operate BigQuery, don’t worry. It’s a straightforward procedure. Initially, the data will be taken out from Google Analytics. Now, you can interrogate it with the help of BigQuery. The best thing is that GA 4 doesn’t require any sampling.

2- Content Grouping

The second difference from google analytics 4 vs universal analytics is going to be the content grouping. When we talk about Google Analytics 4, it comprises predefined event parameters for content grouping. There will be a content group dimension in which the whole data is settled. 

Meanwhile, the content has been grouped in a logical structure if we talk about the well-known universal analytics. You must know that the group content will be glimpsed and correlated by the organization phrases. 

Yet, if you want to use universal analytics dimensions for content grouping afterward, here are some favorable reports. Google Analytics 4 has introduced a feature that illustrates the different use of the universal analytics dimension as event-scoped custom dimensions.   

google analytics 4 vs universal analytics
Google Analytics 4 Vs Universal Analytics
3- Measurement Models 

Here comes the most prevalent difference from GA4 vs universal analytics, the measurement models. Universal analytics use measurement models based on the following aspects. 

  • Page views
  • Sessions 

A group of hits, including a website that puts up with locale over an offered timeframe, is known to be the session. Numerous events and pageviews are present in a session. 

Meanwhile, if we gossip about the measurement models of Google Analytics 4 vs Universal Analytics, it will be a little different. In GA4, you’ll see the parameters and events as the measurement models. You’ll be amazed to know that you can translate the total hits of universal analytics into events.

4- Sessions

As you’ve read, sessions also differentiate between UA and GA4. In Google Analytics 4, there’s an automatically collected event known as the session_start event. The session_start event emanates the session metrics of GA4. 

Event timing plays a crucial role in managing the duration. Therefore, you can estimate the time between the seasonal events. 

In contrast, you’ll find numerous aspects when we talk about universal analytics in a single session. Most commonly, a session contains the following things. 

  • E-commerce Transactions
  • Events 
  • Page views
  • Social interactions

The duration in universal analytics is fixed. It is said that a session of universal analytics will last hardly 30 minutes. 

ga4 vs universal analytics
Google Analytics 4 Vs Universal Analytics
5- Events

Events play a mandatory role in both universal analytics and Google Analytics 4. The events of Google Analytics 4 don’t display the label, category, and action. Meanwhile, the universal analytics events are a bit different from GA4. 

You’ll be able to see the variety, google tag, and litigation on universal analytics events. You must know now that the total hits are the same in Google Analytics 4. Accordingly, it will be best never to paste your existing event structure to GA4.   

6- Monthly Hit Limits 

The last and the most crucial thing about google analytics 4 vs universal analytics is monthly hit limits. With universal analytics, you must be aware that the monthly hit limit was approximately ten hits. 

Here’s the most exciting news for you. Google Analytics 4 has announced the removal of monthly hit limits. Now, you can undergo all of your tasks without worrying about the limited numbers. 

Crucial Features Of GA4 

Google Analytics 4 has come forward with the following unique new and favorable features for you. 

  • Google Analytics 4 can be easier or more complicated as per your needs. 
  • You can see outrageous customization availability in Google Analytics 4. 
  • Detailed, fast insights are provided at the search bar in Google Analytics 4. 

And many more. 

Final Verdict

We hope this article about google analytics 4 vs universal analytics is thoughtful enough in understanding why switching to GA 4 is crucial. Undoubtedly, universal analytics is sufficient assistance. Nonetheless, the updated Google Analytics 4 can also provide modified features. 

Author Bio

Scott is a Technical Content Manager & Tagging Specialist at, one of the leading conversion tracking specialist company helping marketers and digital marketing Agencies with web tracking jobs. Scott enjoys his time with his wife and two little kids and loves playing basket ball.

If you are looking for UA to GA4 Migration Services in UAE, Connect with Dubai SEO Agency.

Need more information? Check out more resources:

A Guide to UA to GA4 Migration Checklist – Plan, Steps & How to Save Google Analytics Historical Data?

What Will Happen to Universal Analytics Properties After July 1st?

Switch to GA4, or Google will make it for you

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Problems Associated with Migration and How Google Addresses Them

What to Expect as GA4 Becomes Your Primary Measurement Platform?

The Biggest Misconceptions About GA4

Google Analytics 4: Where can you find the Demographic and Tech details reports

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